In today's session I decided that I would jump into the darker side of Empirical rule and the two subjects being propaganda and institutional racism. Now racism does not appear in all empires and some even are open to multi-cultural societies but often its only in the later developments of the empires and do still often restrict individuals who do not follow their qualifications or cultural norms. The propaganda side of it I am no stranger to as I have already explored this theme before in the past and in depth but I still decided to look at propaganda techniques used to coerce those who read it into following the indoctrination of the propagandist. What I found interesting about propaganda is that it is almost universal that the enemy is portrayed as stupid, ugly, and something to be mocked and the representatives of the society as beautiful, angelic, and often the ones being victimised by the violent enemy. Consequently this can lead to stereotypes and then racism. I wish I could find older remnants of propaganda but they are quite rare and are often murals rather then paper handouts like the ones I want to create.
Now we reach the sensitive issue of racism within media and within a empirical society. This is often a sensitive subject as it can bring up a lot of old wounds and controversies that are still happening today. Often with empires it is used to make the opposition look uncivilized and by reaffirming paranoid thoughts like "they are going to corrupt my heritage" and "they could kill me at any minute" to incite those to take action like in the case of the British Empire or in cases of a already taken over territory not to interfere when the authorities take extreme action against the enemy "race" which was heavily used during WW2 by Germany when occupying countries. Due to my current state of living i a modern more accepting society and being a white male myself I am not aware of how other ethnicities perceive me and I often wonder what they consider the quintessential stereotypes of a white person. I sent out a questionnaire and did some research to find out this and I found out that white people are often thought as being hooked-nosed, thin-lipped, wide-eyed, ignorant, rich, bigots and the slurs used against white people are not limited to the English language. What I want to find out next is how empirical architecture is designed so that I cam employ the same philosophies for my own designs.
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